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They say he is guilty, but I believe the contrary.


The result was opposite to what we expected.


Hurstwood, on the contrary, saw in the strength of her new attractiveness his miserable predicament.

相反, 赫斯渥从她新展露的魅力中更感到自己处境悲惨可怜.

on the contrary, to join the black ink, the color becomes dark.

反之, 参增白色油不朱后, 其色相不离变得不深暗.

This did not seem to discompose him ; on the contrary, he looked rather amused.

但这似乎并没有让斯内普感到局促不安, 他好像觉得这挺好笑的.

The protein content increased hardly, on the contrary , the VRT increasedthe spatial variety.

籽粒品质指标的含量也没有明显增加,且加大了蛋白质含量的空间变异, 这与基于OSAVI进行变量施肥的施肥结果相似.

It may, on the contrary, cause you to rejoice exultantly in your manhood.

相反地, 它可能使你欣喜于你的大丈夫气概.

on the contrary, our faculties are aroused.

相反地, 它会调动我们的各种感觉器官.

on the contrary, the political system will lose its steadiness.

反之, 则出现政治体系的不稳定.

on the contrary , MIC of SE 7 , SE 9 and SE 68 increased after adding of reserpine.


I would like to disabuse your mind of the idea that your cousin has a feeling of hostility to you. on the contrary he spoke to me in the most friendly terms of you.

我想消除你以为你的堂兄对你有敌意的误会. 相反,他跟我说到你时,是以最友善的口吻说的.

on the contrary, you always told me how you pride yourself on being open to all.

相反, 你总是告诉我你如何为自己开放对待对所有这些而感到自豪.

on the contrary, he insists, wages even in Germany are still too high, given the unemployment.

与之相反, 他坚持认为, 考虑到失业率高企,德国工资水平仍太高了.

on the contrary , impermanence and anatman are the basic factors of the life.

无常是事物的持续变化, 没有无常就不可能有生命.

At the accelerating stage, those are on the contrary.


on the contrary, she always playing instead of working.

相反地, 她总是玩而不做事.

Flightism, on the contrary , gives direct support to the theory of national subjugation.

而逃跑主义, 则是亡国论的直接支持者.

It is, on the contrary, the consequence of depressions.

恰恰相反, 它是经济衰退的后果.

on the contrary, they are perfected through being fed.

相反的, 他们是借着得喂养而被成全.

You think you are clever; on the contrary, I assure that you are very foolish.

你自以为很聪明, 相反地, 我确信你很傻.

on the contrary, the more contrast and cold and the more weak hen'egg.

反之, 寒寒不不不差比愈不不不弱刺激性愈不不不弱.

on the contrary, it a tax on the health of our citizens.

与此相反, 这是对我们百姓健康的课税.

on the contrary, gift giving is an institution a revered custom in Japan.

与之相反的是, 在曰本送礼是一种制度,一个优良惯例.

on the contrary, it is actually a sign of mental maturity, personal strength and individual character.

正好相反, 它实际上是精神上成熟, 个人力量和独立性格的显现.

If Arthur was red, Fanny, on the contrary, was very worn and pale.

如果亚瑟的脸是红的, 那么, 相反, 芬妮的脸却非常憔悴,苍白.

on the contrary, it demands economic justice as well as political and social justice.

相反, 它既要政治和社会公正,也要求经济公正.

It's no trouble at all; on the contrary, it will be a great pleasure to help you.


It is not an idea around which the Community can unite. on the contrary, I see it as one that will divide us.


'People just don't do things like that.' 'u2014 'on the contrary, they do them all the time.'


"on the contrary"的基本信息





